How to Reshape Rubber Boots? 

It makes sense that rubber boots are a person’s go-to choice of footwear because they shield the feet from strong rains and messy puddles. 

They are a practical choice for keeping the feet cool and dry. 

You must always choose the right fit if you want to wear these chic pairs of rubber boots. 

However, there are times when you unintentionally purchase boots that are too small or large for your feet. 

But you can always change that and reshape your rubber boots according to your right fit. Yes, there are just a few things you need to do at home to get the right fit out of your improperly fitting rubber boots. 

How to Reshape Rubber Boots

How should rubber boots fit?

Rubber boot sizing is challenging to predict because they usually run a bit larger. 

In general, rubber boots should fit true to size, but there may be some exceptions. 

Some rubber boots, for instance, do run about a half size larger than your typical shoe size. 

Unfortunately, this can vary by brand and is occasionally difficult to determine without first trying the boots on. That is why, always try on your boots before you make a purchase. 

What to do if rubber boots are loose?

There are a few things you can try to make your rubber boots tighter. 

Rubber boots can be shrunk in a variety of ways, depending on the item’s size and the required amount of shrinkage. 

1.) Hot water techniques for rubber shrinkage 

One of the best ways to shrink rubber boots is to soak them in hot tap water for a few minutes. 

The water prevents cracking while the heat causes the material to shrink. 

Hold the rubber boots next to a hot water faucet that is running. 

Use water that is as hot as you can stand without burning your hands. Put the plug in the sink and add hot water if the water is too hot. 

Before removing the item, let it soak in the sink for ten to fifteen minutes. 

2.) Boiling water

If hot tap water is ineffective at causing the rubber to shrink, put it in boiling water. 

If you let the rubber boil for 5 to 10 minutes, the high heat will force the rubber to shrink.

Boiling the rubber object can occasionally restore it to the desired size and shape by simply clearing away any dirt and debris that has accumulated. 

3.) Using a hair dryer to shrink rubber boots

Dry heat is an effective method for shrinking rubber boots if they are too loose. 

On a heat-resistant surface, place the rubber boots. Set the dryer to its highest setting and evenly distribute the hot air across the boot’s surface. 

If your boots need to be shrunk at specific places, use heat at that specified place the most. 

See also: Do You Have to Break in Rubber Boots?

What to do if rubber boots are too tight? 

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we end up purchasing boots that are smaller than our feet. 

But don’t worry, we have a few ideas for you to try if your rubber boots are too tight.  

1.) Freezing technique

This technique involves stretching and reshaping the rubber with ice. It is primarily used if the toes, sides, and heels of your rubber boots feel constricting. 

All you need is a freezer, water, and some Ziploc or other sealable plastic bags to do this. 

Step 1: Gather your plastic bags and, depending on how much you want your boots to stretch, fill them between ¼  and ⅓  with water.

After filling them out, don’t forget to seal the bags by squeezing out all the air. This will enable the water to thoroughly expand and allow your boots to fit comfortably. 

Step 2: The next step is to cram the water bags inside your boots, paying special attention to the spot you want to stretch the most. 

Make the necessary adjustments to achieve an even stretch along the boot. 

Step 3: Next, stretch your boots while the water inside your boots freezes in the freezer.

Again, you can position and elevate the boots at a specific angle to hold the shape better depending on the precise area where you want the most stretch. 

Step 4: Remove the boots from the freezer and take the bags out after some time has passed. 

Waiting a few minutes will allow the ice to partially thaw, making it simpler to remove the bags. 

Step 5: At this point, you are prepared to put them on and check their fit. If you believe they are still not sufficiently stretched, repeat the procedure. 

2.) Heating Technique 

The rubber will be stretched using heat in the method that follows. 

This approach also follows a straightforward logic- heating rubber causes it to stretch and soften, becoming flexible. 

Here’s how to go about it: 

Step 1: Start by slipping on the thickest socks you can fit into your boots, taking into consideration how much room you want the boots to have to expand. 

The boots will stretch to their maximum extent as a result. 

Step 2: Turn your hair dryer on high heat and pass it over the rubber boots. 

Concentrate the heat on the parts of the boot that you want to stretch the most.

Make sure to keep the dyer several inches away from your boots to avoidant damage. 

Step 3: Once the boots are the right size, walk around in them for a while while you wait for them to cool and harden once more. 

3.) Employ a boot stretcher

For this technique, you’ll need to spend money on a good boot stretcher. 

Keep in mind that there are various boot stretchers available on the market, choose one based on the shape of your boots. 

P.S- The boot stretcher mainly lengthens the boots’ toe and shaft regions, it does not make them wider.

Steps to be followed- 

1.) Turn the handle clockwise to begin opening the stretcher after slipping it inside the boots. 

2.) Give the handle another 2-3 turns to expand the rubber when the boot stretcher feels extremely tight and is difficult to turn. 

3.) Boot stretchers should be left inside boots for at least 8 hours or overnight. 

4.) To release the boot stretcher, slowly turn the handle counterclockwise. Take the stretcher out of the boots once you are unable to turn the handle any longer. 

5.) Check the fit by taking a walk in the boots. Repeat the process for a little more stretching if you desire.

4.) Stretching fluid 

Rubber boots respond incredibly well to stretching liquid as well. 

The chemical in this liquid reacts with rubber to increase the boots’ flexibility. 

You can go for this FootMatters Professional Boot & Shoe Stretch Spray

What you’ll need is: 

      • Stretching liquid 
      • Newspaper
      • Water
      • Rubbing alcohol
      • A piece of cloth

The following are the steps for applying stretching fluid to rubber boots: 

1.) To prevent any sort of mess, spread newspaper out on your work surface. 

2.) Mix alcohol and water, and it should be combined 50/50 with the stretching fluid. 

3.) Rub the liquid mixture onto the areas of your boots where you want to stretch them using a clean cloth. 

4.) Put on your boots and a pair of thick socks. Walk for at least 30 minutes in the boots.

See also: Should Rubber Boots Be Tight or Loose?

Things to make sure of while stretching rubber boots

You risk damaging your rubber boots if you don’t follow the right stretching techniques. 

1.) When using a blow dryer, avoid applying excessive heat, and keep the dryer a little away from the boots, and do not heat them for longer than 30 minutes. 

2.) Avoid overheating the rubber because it can burn and melt at high temperatures. 

3.) Always wear thick socks when blowing hot air into your boots to prevent foot burns.

4.) Never turn the handle of a boots stretcher more than 5–6 times. Rubber is flexible, and too much stretching could cause it to tear. 

5.) A rubber-safe stretching fluid should always be used. Applying liquids designed primarily for leathers won’t do much. 

6.) Always conduct a patch test on your boots before using any liquid products. Check the safety of the liquid by applying a small amount to the rubber boots first.

What happens if rubber boots don’t fit you properly? 

To conclude, there are a lot of foot issues you might face because of improper fitting rubber boots. It is true that rubber boots run a little large,  but it doesn’t mean it should be too loose so as to cause you discomfort and pain. 

Because they won’t fit you properly, boots that are too big or small for your feet can become damaged more quickly. 

Your feet will stretch them if they are too small, and if they are too big, your feet will rub and tear the interior lining.

That is why you need to know the ways to reshape your rubber boots properly. 

Stephen Luettgen
I have 12+ years of experience in construction, inspections, handy work, and currently working as a Construction Site Manager. In today’s day we spent a significant part of our time at workplace and a right work gear can have significant impact not only on your safety but also work quality.

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