Leather shoes are used round the year. There are no substitutes to them. Though if you are the one who thinks of them as heavy and warm for the summers, you definitely have no alternatives to them in the winters.
Fall is the season, when your feet starts craving for them indicating that it’s time to take them out of the store.
But, there is dust all over it. The color seems fading. It looks like an old pair, not worth to be worn in this new fall season.
What are you thinking of?
Really, are you thinking of putting them back to the store and head for getting a new pair?
No dude!
Prove me wrong! You just can’t do that…
I have some super easy and quick hacks for your dusty leather boots.
In this article I am going to tell you how to polish your leather shoes so that they can get their new look again and you can be ready to wear them and flaunt your investment.
Quick and Easy Hacks to Polish Leather Shoes
Things that you would require:
1.) A piece of clean cloth:
You might use any old cloth or get a new especially made for this purpose from the market. But remember that the cloth should be lint free or else the lint would settle on the leather fibers of the boots.
2.) A bowl of warm water:
This bowl of water would be needed several times during the cleaning process. You will know all about when to use it in the course of time.
3.) Soap-water solution:
Make a solution of soap and water and work into lather. This will be required in the very first steps.
4.) Shoe polish or leather boot polish:

Pick any of your favorite polish from the store or online matching the color of the leather of your boots.
5.) Horsehair brush:

A good quality horsehair brush is a must. It is required during the buffing process.
6.) A soft bristled toothbrush:
A soft bristled toothbrush is needed during the cleaning process.
7.) Polishing brush:
This is required to apply the shoe polish on the boots.
Let’s begin with the Cleaning and Polishing process:
Step 1: Cleaning the shoes off dust:
⇒ Take the horsehair brush and clean out the dust. This will ensure that no dust or debris is stuck under the polish when you apply it.
⇒ You can then use the lint free cloth to rub off the stubborn dusts.
Step 2: Cleaning any mark or spot on the leather:
⇒ Take the soap water solution and dip the cloth in it. Then go on small circular motions on the spots in your boots. You may use a soft bristled toothbrush as well.
⇒ Again dip the cloth in clean water and remove the soap solution from the leather.
⇒ Don’t forget to dry your boots using a dryer or your boots would be damaged.
Step 3: Polishing the leather shoes:
⇒ Take your favorite polish and dip the polishing brush or cloth in it.
⇒ Then go in circular motions on your boots.
⇒ Apply two three coats of the polish if necessary.
⇒ Work in medium force with the brush or cloth to get the maximum effect.
Step 4: Buffing off the extra polish:
⇒ Take off the extra polish from the boots using the horsehair brush.
⇒ In this process your wrists would be the only part that would be moving and not your arms.
⇒ The strokes of the horsehair brush will bring back the shine to the leather shoes.
Step 5: The spit shine method:
⇒ This method ensures a hard shine to the leather surface.
⇒ Take a piece of cloth and dip it in warm water.
⇒ Then take a very small amount of polish in the cloth and again work in circular motions with a free hand and go gentle with the motion.
⇒ This will make your shoe shine like never before.
And voyla! You are done guys! It’s that simple. Right?
Before we say Good Bye:
Polishing ain’t any professional’s hard work. But you really need to know the right techniques and things needed before you sit to polish your boots because leather shoes are pretty expensive right?
And you cannot take any chance with them.
Also, obviously you need to get off the dust and bring back the shine in your boots.
And thank god, you can trust our techniques for your loved leather shoes.
Just be careful while using the water as excess amount of moisture can ruin your leather shoes forever.
And yes, don’t ever forget to dry your boots after they have been treated with water.
That’s all for today…
Meet you soon in the next article.
Till then do let us know in the comment section below what tricks and tips you have to polish leather shoes.
We would be happy to learn some new techniques from you as well.
Till then…
Stay safe…
And keep walking.