If you are a construction site worker then once in life you must have stained your safety vest with grease! Right?
And if that be the case, you must be struggling with taking the grease stains off your safety vests.
Well, no more because you have just come to the right place as…
Today I am going to share with you some unknown tricks on how to get grease out of safety vests. I am sure you have never thought of them before!
Using lest oil, soda, dry shampoo, cornstarch, pine-sol, etc prove to be very effective in treating the grease stains off your safety vests.
Let’s know how:
1.) Using Lest Oil to Get off Grease from Safety Vests

Lest oil is a very effective agent in treating oil and grease stains.
- Pour a few drops of lest oil onto the spot of the grease.
- Let it soak for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Now wash off the greased area along with the greased oil using mild soap-water solution.
- Do not forget to dry the safety vests under the fan.
2.) Using a Dish Soap to Get Rid of the Grease
Yes, even using a dish soap to wash the safety when there is little grease will work fine.
- Prepare a solution of dish soap and water in a bowl
- Not take a clean piece of cloth and rub the spot with the soap-water solution
- Now again take a clean cloth and dip it in normal water
- Rub the cloth over the area to take off the soap-water solution
- Dry the safety vest as soon as you are done with the washing.
3.) Using Soda to Take Off the Grease
Even better your regular bottle of coca-cola would do the job quite easily.
- Pour 2-4 liters of coca-cola in a bucket and fill the rest bucket with plain water
- Now dip the greased safety vest in the bucket and let the grease soak in the solution overnight
- Take out the safety vest and wash with a soap-water solution
- Clean them under plain water to remove any traces of the soap solution
- Dry the safety vests under the fan and you are good to go
Alternatively, you can add the soda in the soap-water solution and put the safety vests in it and afterwards run the safety vests in the normal cycle of the machine.
4.) Using Pine-sol to Get Grease Off

Pine oil works almost as similar as that of lest oil.
- Pour a few drops of pine-sol onto the spot of the grease.
- Let it soak for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Now wash off the greased area along with the greased oil using mild soap-water solution.
- Do not forget to dry the safety vests under the fan.
5.) Using the Home Remedy (Cornstarch) to Remove Grease from Safety Vests
Cornstarch is readily available in almost all the kitchens. This can work effectively in removing grease spots from your safety vests.
- Take spoonful of cornstarch and pour it over the greased spot in the safety vest.
- Let the cornstarch soak into the grease for an hour.
- Now take a damp rag and rub the cornstarch over the greased area to remove it.
- Now take another damp rag and clean the cornstarch along with the grease stains.
- If still you notice a faint spot, you can wash the safety vest using a mild detergent in the delicate cycle of the machine.
- Fan-dry the safety vest and they would be ready to wear.
6.) Using Fels-Naptha to take off Stubborn Grease Stains from Safety Vests

Fels-Naptha is a heavy duty soap-bar that is used to treat oil or grease stains from clothes.
- Take a spray bottle filled with water and spay it over the grease stains on the safety vest.
- Now rub the soap-bar (Fels-Naptha) on the stained area
- Next, brush the grease stains gently using a soft bristled toothbrush
- Using a damp rag clean the soapy lather from the stained area
- You can now wash the complete garment in the machine in delicate cycle or just fan-dry it and wear it to your work.
7.) Using a Dry Shampoo can Get you away with the Grease Stains from your Safety Vests
What does a dry shampoo do to your scalp and hair? It removes excess oil from the scalp and makes hair look fresh like you have used shampoo, right?
So, pretty much it does the same with the grease stains in your safety vests. It soaks the grease and removes the stains. Let’s see how:
- Spray the dry shampoo over the grease stains.
- Take a clean dry rag and rub on the spot gently
- Now, take a damp towel and remove the dry shampoo and the grease stains from the area.
- Dry the safety vest under the fan.
Voila! You are done!
Before we say Good Bye:
Grease is very hard to get off and rigorous washing might damage the reflective material of the safety vests. So, you need to be extra careful while dealing with the fluorescent and reflective fabric.
One important tip from workgearz team is: “Treat the grease stains as soon as they come. The older stains would take much more time and effort to go off.”
With that said, we have come to the end of today’s article. Hope the tips would be useful in dealing with your work wears.
It’s time to bid adieu! Take care, stay safe and…
Work safely!