Does Woolies Flannel Shrink?

Woolies flannel does shrink. It’s well known that flannels shrink. Quite a lot actually. So, when you take your woollies flannel home and pre-wash it before using (as well as after), the fabric will undoubtedly shrink, meaning it will come out smaller than when it was put in the dryer.

In this post, I’ll go through the reasons why woolies flannel shrinks, how much it might shrink, and effective methods to undo the shrinking flannel in a detailed manner. 

Does Woolies Flannel Shrink

The Shrinking Nature of Woolies Flannel

What are the most likely causes of shrinkage in your woollies flannel? Let’s take a closer look at it right now, in this article.

1.) Exposure to hot water while washing

2.) Drying it in a hot setting 

3.) Over drying

4.) Rigorous washing in the washing machine. 

5.) Use of bad detergents. 

6.) Using fabric softener

7.) Low-quality of the fabric. 

Woolies flannel shrinks when susceptible to heat. When laundered in hot water, this sort of fabric shrinks in size making them smaller than their original size. by hot water it means water which is at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit or above.

As a result of this feature, one should be aware that when washing this fabric, demands sensitive and attentive care, so it is always advised to set your washer to cold water while washing. But note that It’s also fine to use a low-heat setting or warm water.

They also tend to shrink when they are tumbled in the washer or dryer. Because woolies flannel can shrink, fray, and wrinkle when forcefully churned. So when subjected to rigorous washing the flannel gets strained and results in shrinkage in size. So always take gentle and attentive care of your flannel.

So, if you’re washing your flannel in cold water (whether it’s made of wool, cotton, or synthetics) then make sure to opt for the “gentle cycle” on your machine. If you don’t want to take any risk, then you can go ahead and wash the flannel manually. 

Another crucial aspect to consider when washing the woollies flannel is the detergent you use. The improper detergent will almost certainly damage your flannel and end up causing it to shrink in size.

Using some random detergents that you saw in the store is a big no. Chemicals like chlorine, enzymes, and phosphates included in detergents are hazardous to your flannels. So, always check for these compounds in the detergents you use to wash woolies flannel.

Fabric softener, on the other hand, is harmful to your woolies flannels. Chemicals present in your scented fabric softener are capable of forming an invisible layer over the fabric, resulting in the strangling of the fibres.

Due to the softener’s barrier-causing chemicals, could also create issues with ventilation in the fibres, and they may eventually lose their ability to preserve the fabric’s original form. You can use a half cup of vinegar as an alternative for fabric softener. 

Woolies Flannels, on the other hand, shrink when dried on a hot setting or if they are over-dried. One of the reasons is that wool makes up the majority of the woollies flannels.

Wool, as we all know, is a sort of textile material obtained from the skin of animals such as sheep and goats. And they contain microscopic scales which cover the exterior area of these animal hairs.

So, when these microscopic scales are subjected to heating, they will mesh and then shrink, thus stiffening and shortening the wool. 

7 List To Take Care While Washing The Woolies Flannel

1.) Use warm/cold water, avoid hot water (120 degrees Fahrenheit or above) 

2.) Use moderate detergents (avoid chlorine, enzymes, and phosphates)

3.) Use white vinegar instead of fabric softener

4.) Use diluted bleach

5.) Use gentle cycle option in the machine

6.) Hang your flannels to dry

7.) If you want to iron your woolies flannel do it on the reverse side. 

Another reason for woolies flannel to shrink is the poor quality of the fabric. It is a well known universal fact that if there exists good quality then low quality naturally exists. This applies for your woolies flannel as well.

Over time, your low-cost flannel can shrink. So, knowing what to check when shopping for your woolies flannel is crucial.

How can you tell if the woollies flannel is of good quality?

• First, Look at the weaving. One method to tell whether it’s of bad quality is to tug on it slightly. If it warps a little, then you can conclude it to be of poor quality.

• Quality flannel have a natural fluff and are a little heavier, fuller, and thicker than the low-quality ones. its fuzziness can be felt by brushing it up against your cheek. Also, the legitimate woolies flannel will not fold flat.

See also: Will Washing at 60 Shrink Clothes?

How Much Does Woolies Flannel Shrink?

Woolies flannel can shrink slightly after each wash because the fibres in the fabric are brought together after being loosened by usage. Meaning that when natural fibres come into contact with water, the material will definitely shrinks.

If you wash your woollies flannel in hot water, it will shrink by up to 20 percent, which means it will be downsized by 2 to 3 sizes.

It is a significant size shift, as well as a significant financial waste. So, make sure you pay attention to heat shrinking seriously. Also keep in mind that pre-washed flannel can shrink by up to 3 percent. 

So, the next question might be whether the flannel will shrink if it isn’t washed in hot water. Yes, but only to a certain extent. Your flannel will be safeguarded against shrinkage if washed in cold water or at least water set on low heat.

The secret, though, is to never wash your flannel in hot water. You should take care of the fabric regularly by properly washing and drying it, doing so will reduce the shrinking dramatically each time you try washing it. 

However, it’s always a good idea to go up a quarter to half-size when buying woolies flannel. Even if your woollies flannel shrinks as a result of washing, you’ll retain the fabric you needed for your specific usage. 

Methods to Unshrink the Shrink Woolies Flannel

Down below are some of the effective and attentive methods you can adopt for washing your woolies flannel without causing any severe damage to the fabric and causing it to shrink. 

1.) Get a bucket that fits your clothes perfectly and isn’t too congested.

2.) Fill the bucket halfway with warm or cold water.

3.) Pour a cupful of baby shampoo to the mix.

4.) Dip the woolies flannel in warm/cold water for a few minutes.

5.) Try massaging the flannel gently back and forth.

6.) Don’t rinse the flannel for taking it from the bucket.

7.) Gently take you flannel from the bucket

8.) Only squeeze the fabric gently to take out any excess water.

9.) Avoid wringing the flannel.

10.) Place a towel on the ground or any other flat surface.

11.) Lay the flannel above the towel

12.) Try shaping the flannel by trimming it to fit into the towel’s shape.

13.) Use an electric fan to circulate air through the flannel, avoid hot air

14.) Gently stretch the flannel back to its original size while airing it.

To conclude

Woolies Flannel is one of the most popular and useful fabrics, especially among those who live in colder climates. It gives off a fuzzy, comfortable vibe that provides much-needed warmth and comfort. 

However, because the fabric is prone to shrinkage, it is always recommended to treat, wash, dry, and iron it according to the perfectly mentioned instructions. 

Through these simple measures outlined in the article you will now have a clear idea on to how to properly care for your woolies flannel so that it retains its original shape and how to address the shrinkage issues.

If washed and treated appropriately your woolies flannel will last longer, will retain the original shape, the colours will still remain vibrant, and it will appear and feel brand new for more upcoming years. 

Stephen Luettgen
I have 12+ years of experience in construction, inspections, handy work, and currently working as a Construction Site Manager. In today’s day we spent a significant part of our time at workplace and a right work gear can have significant impact not only on your safety but also work quality.

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